Future needs change…


… but only we can change it!

Useful alternatives instead of acrid clouds of smoke: Agricultural waste is far too valuable to be burned and not put to good use. But if it is burned, it turns into a toxic mixture of carcinogenic substances. There are so many profitable alternatives. As an EU climate pact ambassador, I am committed to making these popular and applicable. For more health, better air and less food waste.


Future needs change

But only we can change

Let's start it!

But if it is burned, it turns into a toxic mixture of carcinogenic substances. There are so many profitable alternatives. As an EU climate pact ambassador, I am committed to making these popular and applicable. For more health, better air and less food waste.

Why EU Climate Pact Ambassador?

We are responsible for the world we leave to our children. And effective environmental protection begins with small things. Every day I see how the farmers burn the prunings and fallen fruit from their orange trees in the fields. The acrid smoke covers the villages, fields and mountains like a poisonous mist. What looks so harmless is extremely harmful to health and, by the way, a massive waste.

Show alternatives, create networking
My goal is not only to denounce grievances, but also to actively make people aware of the problem on site, to show alternatives and to network farmers and biotechnology experts.

The action plan for a circular economy brings both ecological and economic benefits, because agricultural plant residues are valuable resources with value-added potential for the benefit of people, the climate and the environment.

Dr Barbara Bartels Leipold

Dr Barbara Bartels Leipold

EU Climate Pact Ambassador

The situation on site

Every day here in Beniarbeig, which is near Dénia, I see countless fires covering the region in thick smoke. Although we can often still breathe well up here on the mountain, the smoke bites our throats and bronchi at the latest in the valley. It’s like this in most regions of Spain. That is exactly what I want to change as a citizen and EU climate pact ambassador – and help to implement sensible, practicable and profitable solutions.

The idyll is deceptive

What looks like fog is dense smoke from the burning green waste.

It stinks

Depending on what is burned, the whole area stinks.

Morning in Beniarbeig

In the valley, the smoke bites your throat and makes your eyes water.

Dense smoke

Village and surroundings are engulfed in thick smoke.

Climate protection is human protection

Where is the problem?

Many people think that burning green waste is completely harmless. But that is one of the biggest mistakes with dangerous consequences for people and the environment. A garden fire alone produces as much particulate matter as 250 buses in six hours.

What are the solutions?

It may seem easy to simply burn green waste. However, the serious health and environmental damage shows that it is the wrong way. Especially since there are numerous alternatives today that are definitely future-oriented: from biogas to bio-plastic.

If you want to build a ship, don’t round up men to procure wood, assign tasks and divide the work, but teach the men to long for the wide, endless sea.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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